Strange Horizons needs your help to keep publishing speculative fiction, poetry, and commentary through 2015! Since the magazine’s launch in 2000, this non-profit organization has relied on donations to keep publishing new and established authors’ work, and to pay writers at a professional rate.
This year, Strange Horizons is looking to raise $13,500; they’re currently at a little over $7,500, with about 6 days left for donations.
Aside from the glow you’ll get from donating, you’ll also have the chance to win cool stuff! Everyone who donates gets entered into the big prize draw, with goodies including bundles from Marie Brennan, Max Gladstone, Elizabeth Bear, Adam Christopher, and Paul Cornell; manuscript critiques; and books donated by Liz Bourke, Justin Landon, and the Booksmugglers.
The Strange Horizons crew have also put together a bonus issue, with extra content to be published as they hit certain fundraising goals. If you follow along with their progress rocket, you’ll see exactly where your dollars go. For instance, if they hit $9,000, we get a new short story from Ann Leckie, called “She Commands Me and I Obey.” And we want that story, oh yes we do.
The Strange Horizons fund drive ends November 17!